Nonviolence before King: The Politics of Being and the Black Freedom Struggle

Anthony C. Siracusa
University of North Carolina Press

In the early 1960s, organizers against segregation had used litigation and protests for decades but not until the advent of nonviolence did they succeed in transforming ingrained patterns of white supremacy on a massive scale. Siracusa unearths the deeper lineage of anti-war pacifist activists and thinkers from the early twentieth century who developed nonviolence into a revolutionary force for Black liberation. Siracusa challenges the idea that nonviolent freedom practices faded with the rise of the Black Power movement, insisting that the indwelling commitment to struggle for freedom collectively in a spirit of nonviolence became, for many, a lifelong commitment. In the end, what was revolutionary about the nonviolent method was its ability to assert the basic humanity of Black Americans, to undermine racism's dehumanization, and to insist on the right to be.

Read more at University of North Carolina Press


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