2023 Shortlist


Many thanks to our jurors Dana Williams, William SturkeyCharles McKinneyCourtney Baker, and Jesse McCarthy for their diligent work reviewing 90 eligible submissions for the 2023 MAAH Stone Book Award. Our jury has narrowed the list down to these 14 books. Congratulations to the authors of these excellent works of scholarship!

You'll want to read as many as you can before we announce the $50,000 winner and two $10,000 finalists in early September.

And remember to save the date for our award event on October 19, 2023 @ 6:30pm -- finally back in-person at the African Meeting House on Beacon Hill. The evening will include a pre-event reception at 5:30pm followed by the award ceremony featuring the jurors and the winning authors in conversation with our favorite GBH Under the Radar and podcast host Callie Crossley. Be there!


Museum of African American History & the James M. and Cathleen D. Stone Foundation to Present MAAH Stone Book Award to Recognize Literary Works Celebrating African American History & Culture


The 2022 MAAH Stone Book Award Short List!